
In addition to the default go template functions, this is a list of all available go template functions implemented by ourself:


Type Name Function header Example Result Description Errorhandling Alias
date ago func(date interface{}) string [[ $result := ago (dateModify now "-15m") ]] $result = “15m0s” returns the duration time between a specific timestamp and now.
date date func(date interface{}, fmt string) string [[ $result := date 1638860002 "02.01.2006 03:04" ]] $result = “07.12.2021 07:53” converts a date to the string specific output format. Date can be time, int, int32 or int64.
date dateInZone func(date interface{}, fmt string, zone string) string [[ $result := dateInZone ( toDate "2021-12-12T12:12:12+0100" "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" ) "02.01.2006 15:04" "Europe/Zurich" ]] $result = “12.12.2021 12:12” zone can be “”, “UTC” or location name corresponding to a file in the IANA Time Zone database, such as “America/New_York” or “Europe/Zurich”.
date dateModify func(date Time, duration string) Time [[ $result := dateModify ( toDate "2021-12-12T12:12:12+0100" "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" ) "+01h30m20s" ]] $result = “2021-12-12 13:42:32 +0100 CET” changes the output time with the entered duration time. You can add or substract time.
date htmlDate func(date interface{}) string [[ $result := htmlDate ( toDate "2021-12-12T12:12:12+0100" "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" ) ]] $result = “2021-12-12” converts a date into a string for html. Output format is fix to YYYY-MM-DD, localtime. (HTML5 RFC 3339)
date htmlDateInZone func(date Time, zone string) Time [[ $result := htmlDateInZone ( toDate "2021-12-12T17:12:12+0100" "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700" ) "Asia/Shanghai" ]] $result = “2021-12-13” converts a date into a string for html for a specific timezone. Output format is fix to YYYY-MM-DD in the specific timezone. (HTML5 RFC 3339)
date now func() time.Time [[ $result := now ]] $result = “2021-12-06 10:59:00.1744468 +0100 CET m=+160.128715901” returns the actual date and time.
date toDate func(str string, fmt string) Time [[ $result := toString (toDate "2021-12-07T12:12:12+0100" "2006-01-02T15:04:05-0700") ]] $result = “2021-12-07 12:12:12 +0100 CET” converts a string to a date. The first argument is the date layout and the second the date string.
date unixEpoch func(date Time) string [[ $result := unixEpoch now ]] $result = “1638903549” converts a date to a string in unix epoch format.
string after func(value string, a string) string [[ $result := after "This is a test string" "is" ]] $result = “ a test string” Cuts the input string after the match/search string.
string abbrev func(s string, width int) string [[ $result := abbrev "this is a very long test string" 10 ]] $result = “this is…” Cuts string and adds … if they are to long
string abbrevBoth func(s string, left, right int) string [[ $resulat := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 5 10 ]] $result = “…is a…” Cuts from left and right characters and replaces them with …, if string is large enough.
string adler32sum func(input string) string [[ $result := adler32sum "This is a test string" ]] $result = “1363740589” Returns the adler32-hash of the source string.
string camelcase func(str string) string [[ $result := camelcase "this is a TeSt String" ]] $result = “ThisIsATestString” Replaces a space or an underscores with a capital letter. Other capital letter will be replaced with lower case.
string cat func(i interface…) string [[ $result := cat "This is a test string" "100" "This is a test string2" ]] $result = “This is a test string 100 This is a test string2” Concatenates strings together into 1 string
string contains func(s string, substr string) bool [[ $result := contains "This is a test string" "is a" ]] $result = true Checks the string, if a specific search string occurs. If occurs = true, else = false
string hasPrefix func(s string, prefix string) bool [[ $result := hasPrefix "This is a test string" "Thi" ]] $result = true Checks the string, if the string starts with the specified string.
string hasSuffix func(s string, suffix string) bool [[ $result := hassuffix "This is a test string" "ing" ]] $result = true Checks the string, if the string ends with the specified string
string indent func(v string, spaces int) string [[ $result := indent "This is a test string" 5 ]] $result = “ This is a test string” Indent the string based on the number with spaces.
string initials func(s string) string [[ $result := initials "This is a test string" ]] $result = “Tiats” Contains all first letters from each word in the string.
string join func(v interface{}, sep string) string [[ $result := join "This","is","a","test","string" "_" ]] $result = “This_is_a_test_string” Joins a list of strings into a single string, with the given separator.
string kebabcase func(str string) string [[ $result := kebabcase "This is a TeSt String" ]] $result = “this-is-a-te-st-string” Replaces all spaces with a dash (-) and all upper case with a dash and the lower case character.
string lower func(s string) string [[ $result := toLower "This is a TEST String" ]] $result = “this is a teststring” Converts all upper case characters to lower case
string nindent func(v string, spaces int) string [[ $result := nindent "This is a test string" 2 ]] $result = “\n This is a test string” Is the same as the indent function, but prepends a new line to the beginning of the string.
string noescape func(str string) HTML stdout: [[ noescape "<b>This is a test string</b>" ]] On standard Log console = stdout: This is a test string Doesn’t escape the string. Used for stdout/Console.
string nospace func(str string) string [[ $result := toUpper "This is a test string" ]] $result = “Thisisateststring” Eliminiats all spaces in the string.
string plural func(one string, many string, count int) string [[ $result := plural "This is a test string" "This are plenty of strings" 1 ]] $result = “This is a test string” Pluralize a string
string quote func(i interface) string [[ $result := quote "This is a test string" "This is a test string2" ]] $result = “\“This is a test string\” \“This is a test string2\“” Inserts double quotes “ between strings.
string randAlpha func(count int) string [[ $result := randAlpha "5" ]] $result = “KjcNd” Generates a random Alpha string with upper and lower case characters.
string randAlphaNum func(count int) string [[ $result := randAlphaNum 10 ]] $result = “E9ZsAHervv” Contains random alpha and numeric characters
string randAscii func(count int) string [[ $result := randAscii 5 ]] $result = “AmaN&” Generates a random Ascii string
string randNumeric func(count int) string [[ $result := randNumeric 5 ]] $result = “67336” Generates a random numeric string.
string repeat func(s string, count int) string [[ $result := repeat "This is a test string" 5 ]] $result = “This is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test string” Repeats the string based on the number.
string replace func(src string, old string, new string) string [[ $result := replace "This is a test string" "string" "replace" ]] $result = “This is a test replace” Performs a simple string replacement.
string replaceLine func(input, search, newline string) string [[ $result := replaceLine "This is a test string" "test" "String test new" ]] $result = “String test new” Replaces the source/input string, if a match with the search string occurs with the newline string.
string replaceLineAndIndent func(input, search, newline string) string [[ $result := replaceLineAndIndent "This is a test string" "test" "String test new" ]] $result = “ String test new” replaces the source/input string, if a match with the search string occurs with the newline string and indent the line based on the source/input string.
string [sha1sum]./string(#sha1sum) func(input string) string [[ $result := sha1sum "This is a test string" ]] $result = “e2f67c772368acdeee6a2242c535c6cc28d8e0ed” Returns the sha1-hash of the source string.
string sha256sum func(input string) string [[ $result := sha256sum "This is a test string" ]] $result = “717ac506950da0ccb6404cdd5e7591f72018a20cbca27c8a423e9c9e5626ac61” Returns the sha256-hash of the source
string shuffle func(str string) string [[ $result := shuffle "This is a test string" ]] $result = “ asnrttsesiThgsi it” Randomized order of same string
string snakecase func(str string) string [[ $result := snakecase "This is a TeSt string" ]] $result = “this_is_a_te_st_string” Converts all upper to lower case and inserts additional an underscore “_”
string sortAlpha func(list interface{}) []string [[ $result := sortAlpha [ "öäü","<",".","A","a","!","$","1" ] ]] $result = [ “!”,”\$“,”.“,“1”,”<“,“A”,“a”,“öäü” ] sorts a list of strings into alphabetical (lexicographical) order.
string splitList func(orig string, sep string) []string [[ $result := splitList "This is a #test string" "#" ]] $result = “[“This is a “,“test string”]” Splits the source string based on separator and produces a array. [[ $result := splitList “This#is a #test string” “#” ]]
string split func(orig string, sep string) []string [[ $result := split "This is a #test string" "#" ]] $result = “[“This is a “,“test string”]” Splits the source string based on separator and produces a array.
string splitnToMap func(orig string, sep string, c int) map[string]string [[ $result := splitnToMap "This is a test string" "test" 2]] $result = “{”_0”:“This is a “,”_1”:” string”} Splits the source/orig string based on separator (sep) and the max split count ©, which produces a map with index keys.keys.
string splitToMap func(orig string, sep string) map[string]string [[ $result := splitToMap "This is a test string" "test" ]] $result = “{”_0”:“This is a “,”_1”:” string”}” Splits the source string based on separator and produces a map with index keys.
string squote func(i interface) string [[ $result := quote "This is a test string" "This is a test string2" ]] $result = “‘This is a test string’ ‘This is a test string2’” Inserts simple quotes ‘ between strings.
string substr func(s string, start, end int) string [[ $result := substr "This is a test string" 1 11 ]] $result = “his is a t” “St” Cuts the string starting with start value end stop with the end value
string swapcase func(str string) string [[ $result := swapcase "This is a tESt String" ]] $result = “tHIS IS A TesT sTRING” Changes lower case to upper and upper to lower case characters.
string title func(s string) string [[ $result := title "this is a test string" ]] $result = “This Is A Test String” Converts the first letter of the word to upper case
string toLower func(s string) string [[ $result := toLower "This is a TEST String" ]] $result = “this is a teststring” Converts all upper case characters to lower case
string toString func(v interface{}) string [[ $result := toString "[This is a test1 string" "This is a TEST2 string]" ]] $result = “[This is a test1 string This is a TEST2 string]” Converts everything to a string.
string toStrings func(v interface{}) []string [[ $result := toStrings "This is a test string" ]] $result = [ “This is a test string” ] Converts everything to a string array.
string toUpper func(s string) string [[ $result := toUpper "This is a teststring" ]] $result = “ “THIS IS A TESTSTRING” Converts lower case charaters to upper case
string trim func(s string) string [[ $result := trim " This is a teststring " ]] $result = “This is a teststring” Eliminates spaces at the beginning and end of a string
string trimAll func(s string, cutset string) string [[ $result := trimAll "aabHabb" "ab" ]] $result = “H” Cuts characters from left and right, if any combination of cutset-characters matches.
string trimPrefix / stripPrefix func(s string, prefix string) string [[ $result := trimPrefix "This is a test string" "This " ]] $result = “is a test string” Eliminates the characters from the beginning of the string.
string trimSuffix / stripSuffix func(s string, suffix string) string [[ $result := trimSuffix "This is a test string" " string" ]] $result = “This is a test” Eliminates the suffix from the end of the string.
string trunc func(s string, c int) string [[ $result := trunc "This is a test string" 11 ]] $result = “This is a t” Cuts from left to right depending on the integer value.
string untitle func(s string) string [[ $result := title "This Is A Test String" ]] $result = “this is a test string” Converts the first letter of the word to lower case
string upper func(s string) string [[ $result := toUpper "This is a teststring" ]] $result = “THIS IS A TESTSTRING” Converts lower case charaters to upper case
string wrap func(str string, wrapLength int) string [[ $result := wrap "This is a test string" 10 ]] $result = “This is a\ntest\nstring” Replaces the space with a line breaks before the wrapLength has reached.
string wrapWith func(str string, len int, sep string) string [[ $result := wrapWith "This is a test string" 10 "+#+" ]] $result = “This is a+#+test+#+string” Replaces space with the indiviual separator before the wrapLength has reached. It also splits long words.
conversion atoi func(a string) int [[ $result := atoi "1200" ]] $result = 1200 equivalent converts a string to an integer
conversion float64 func(v interface{}) float64 [[ $result := float64 "1.200" ]] $result = 1.2 converts to a float64
conversion int64 func(v interface{}) int64 [[ $result := int64 "1200" ]] $result = 1200 converts integer types to 64-bit integers
conversion int func(v interface{}) int [[ $result := int "1200" ]] $result = 1200 converts to an int.
conversion toByte func(s string) []byte [[ $result := toByte "This is a Test String" ]] $result = “This is a Test String” converts a string to a byte array
arithmetic add func(i …interface{}) int64 [[ $result := add 600 700 150 650 ) ]] $result = int64{2100} adds two or more numbers and returns and int64
arithmetic biggest func(i …interface{}) int64 [[ $result := biggest 600 700 50 650 ]] $result = int64{700} returns the highest number from one or more numbers
arithmetic ceil func(a interface{}) float64 [[ $result := ceil "12.123 ]] $result = float64{13} round up to the next int64 number without fractical part
arithmetic dec func(i interface{}) int64 [[ $result := dec "15" ]] result = int64{14} decrement by 1
arithmetic div func(a, b interface{}) int64 [[ $result := div 15 3 ]] result = int64{5} divides a dividend with the divisor
arithmetic floor func(a interface{}) float64 [[ $result := floor 13.623 ]] result = float64{13} round down to next int64 number without fractical part
arithmetic inc func(i interface{}) int64 [[ $result := dec "15" ]] result = int64{16} increment by 1
arithmetic max func(i …interface{}) int64 [[ $result := max 600 700 50 650 ]] $result = int64{700} returns the highest number one or more numbers
arithmetic min func(i …interface{}) int64 [[ $result := min 600 700 50 650 ]] $result = int64{50} returns the lowest number one or more numbers
arithmetic minus func(a, b interface{}) int64 [[ $result := minus 16 3 ]] $result = int64{13} substracts the second number (b) from the first number (a)
arithmetic mod func(a, b interface{}) int64 [[ $result := mod 16 3 ]] $result = int64{1} contains the remainder of a division
arithmetic mul func(i …interface{}) int64 [[ $result := mul 16 3 2 ]] $result = int64{96} multiplies two or more numbers and returns and int64
arithmetic plus func(i …interface{}) int64 [[ $result := plus 600 700 150 650 ]] $result = int64{2100} adds two or more numbers and returns and int64
arithmetic round func(a float64) float64 [[ $result := round ( float64 ( "12.5" ) ) ]]
[[ $result := round ( float64 ( "12.49" ) ) ]]
\$result = int64{13}<br>\$result = int64{12} rounds up or down the number
arithmetic sub func(a, b interface{}) int64 [[ $result := sub 16 3 ]] $result = int64{13} substracts the second number (b) from the first number (a)
reflection kindIs func(src interface{}, target string) bool [[ $result := toString (kindIs (int "12345") "int") ]] $result = true will test the value and send back the object type and returns true also, if interface is a pointer to the type
reflection kindOf func(src interface{}) string [[ $result := kindOf (toByte "12345 This is a test string") ]] $result = slice returns the kind of an object
reflection typeIs func(src interface{}, target string) bool [[ $result := toString (typeIs "int" "string") ]] $result = true is like kindIs, but for types: typeIs “*io.Buffer” $myVal.
reflection typeIsLike func(src interface{}, target string) bool [[ $result := typeIsLike (typeIs (int "12345") "int") ]] $result = true works as typeIs, except that it also dereferences pointers.
reflection typeOf func(src interface{}) string [[ typeOf (toByte "12345 This is a test string") ]] $result = []uint8 returns the underlying type of a value: typeOf $foo and returns true also, if interface is a pointer to the type
file-path base func(path string) string [[ $result := toString (base "/usr/shared/Documents/" ) ]] $result = “” The base function return the last element of the path.
file-path clean func(path string) string [[ $result := toString (clean "/usr/shared/Documents/" ) ]] $result = “” The clean function returns the shortest path name equivalent to path by purely lexical processing. It applies the following rules iteratively until no further processing can be done:
file-path dir func(path string) string [[ $result := toString (dir "/usr/shared/Documents/" ) ]] $result = “/usr/shared/Documents” The dir function returns all but the last element of path, typically the path’s directory.
file-path ext func(path string) string [[ $result := toString (ext "/usr/shared/Documents/" ) ]] $result = “.md” The ext function returns the file name extension used by path.
file-path isAbs func(path string) bool [[ $result := toString (isAbs "/usr/shared/Documents/" ) ]] $result = “true” The ext function returns the file name extension used by path. If the path is relative, it contains false.
encoding b64dec / base64decode func(v string) []byte [[ $result := toString (b64dec "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Qgc3RyaW5nCg==") ]] $result = “This is a test string\n” The b64dec / base64decode function returns the decode value of the inputstring, which is formated in base64
encoding b64enc / base64encode func(v []byte) string [[ $result := b64enc (toByte "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- < Certificate >-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") ]] $result = “LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tIDwgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgPi0tLS0tRU5EIENFUlRJRklDQVRFLS0tLS0K” The b64enc / base64encode function converts a string into a base64 string.
data-structure append func(list interface{}, v interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := push $result "AfterD" ]] $result = [A B C D AfterD] adds an item onto the end of a list
data-structure dict func(v …interface{}) map[string]interface{} [[ $result := dict "field1" "This is a test string" ]] $result = map[field1:This is a test string] returns a map with key value pairs.
data-structure first func(list interface{}) interface{} [[ $result := first (list "field1" "field2") ]] $result = field1 returns the first item on a list.
data-structure has func(haystack interface{}, needle interface{}) bool [[ $result := has (list "A" "B" "C") "B" ]] $result = true Test to see if a list has a particular element.
data-structure initial func(item interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := initial ( list "A" "B" "C" ) ]] $result = [A B] returns all items from a list without the last item.
data-structure keys func(dicts …map[string]interface{}) []string [[ $result := keys ( dict "F2" "B" "F3" "C" ) ]] $result = [F2 F3] returns all keys from a map
data-structure last func(list interface{}) interface{} [[ $result := last ( list "A" "B" "C" ) ]] $result = C returns the last item from a list.
data-structure list func(v …interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := list 1 2 3 4 ]] $result = [1 2 3 4] provides a simple list type that can contain arbitrary sequential lists of data.
data-structure listContains func(haystack interface{}, needle interface{}) bool [[ $result := has (list "A" "B" "C") "B" ]] $result = true Test to see if a list has a particular element.
data-structure mapSet func(d map[string]interface{}, key string, value interface{}) map[string]interface{} [[ $result := mapSet $map "F4" "D" ]] $result = map[F1:A F4:D] defines a map based on a key and a value.
data-structure mapUnset func(d map[string]interface{}, key string) map[string]interface{} [[ $result := mapUnset $result "fieldinteger2" ]] $result = map[] removes a map/key value pair in a mapset.
data-structure merge func(dst map[string]interface{}, srcs …map[string]interface{}) interface{} [[ $result := merge $map1 $map2 ]] $result = map[firstName:Max lastName:Muster] merges 2 maps to 1 map.
data-structure mergeOverwrite func(dst map[string]interface{}, srcs …map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) [[ $result := mergeOverwrite $map30 $map31 ]] $result = map[lastName:Huber] overwrites a map based on the key. X
data-structure omit func(dict map[string]interface{}, keys …string) map[string]interface{} [[ $result := omit $map "F1" "F3" ]] $result = map[F2:B] is similar to pick, except it returns a new dict with all the keys that do not match the given keys.
data-structure pick func(dict map[string]interface{}, keys …string) map[string]interface{} [[ $result := pick $map "F2" ]] $result = map[F2:B] selects just the given keys out of a dictionary, creating a new dict.
data-structure pluck func(key string, d …map[string]interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := pluck "F2" $map ]] $result = [B] makes it possible to give one key and multiple maps, and get a list of all of the matches.
data-structure prepend func(list interface{}, v interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := prepend $list "BeforeA" ]] $result = [BeforeA A B C D] adds an item onto the beginning of a list.
data-structure push func(list interface{}, v interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := push $result "AfterD" ]] $result = [A B C D AfterD] adds an item onto the end of a list
data-structure rest func(list interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := rest ( list 1 2 3 4 ) ]] $result = [2 3 4] get the tail of the list (everything but the first item).
data-structure reverse func(v interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := reverse ( list 1 2 3 4 ) ]] $result = “[4 3 2 1]” Produce a new list with the reversed elements of the given list.
data-structure slice func(list interface{}, indices …interface{}) interface{} [[ $result := slice ( list 1 2 3 4 5 ) 1 4 ]] $result = [2 3 4] cuts/slices a list
data-structure uniq func(list interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := uniq ( list 1 1 2 2 )]] $result = [2 3] contains only unique list entries.
data-structure values func(dict map[string]interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := values ( mapSet ( dict "F1" "A" ) "F4" "D" ) ]] $result = [A D] contains an array with all the values of the map.
data-structure without func(list interface{}, omit …interface{}) []interface{} [[ $result := without ( list 1 2 3 4 ) 3 ]] $result = [1 2 4] filters items out of a list.
crypto buildCustomCert func(b64cert string, b64key string) (certificate, error) [[ $result := buildCustomCert $cert $key ]] $result.Key / $result.Cert contains a new Certificate signed by the CA creates a custom certificate based on a the CA. [X]
crypto derivePassword func(counter uint32, passwordType string, password string, user string, site string) string [[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "maximum" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]] $result = “h0l74EUVH0Sr1TtHM55” generates a password based on the diverse input parameters.
crypto genCA func(cn string, daysValid int) (certificate, error) [[ $result := toString (genCA "" (int "3650")) ]] $result.Key = “< CA private key>” / $result.Cert = “< CA Certificate>” generates a digital certificate for a certificate authority (CA) [X]
crypto genPrivateKey func(typ string) string [[ $result := toString (genPrivateKey "") ]] $result.Key = “< private key >” / $result.Cert = “< Certificate >” generates a private key based on the required key type e.g. rsa / dsa / ecdsa
crypto genSelfSignedCert func(cn string, ips []string, alternateDNS []string, daysValid int) (certificate, error) [[ $result := genSelfSignedCert "" (split "," "," ) (split "san1.muster.max,," ",") 365 ]] $result.Key = “< private key >” / $result.Cert = “< Certificate >” generates a self signed certificate based on several input parameter [X]
crypto genSignedCert func(cn string, ips []string, alternateDNS []string, daysValid int, ca certificate) (certificate, error) [[ $result := genSignedCert "" (split "," "," ) (split "san1.muster.max,," ",") 365 $ca ]] $result.Key = “< private key >” / $result.Cert = “< Certificate >” generates a signed certificate based on several input parameter and a certificate authority (CA) certificate [X]
regex regexFind func(s string, regex string) string [[ $result := toString (regexFind "This is a test string" "^This") ]] $result = “This” returns the first (left most) match of the regular expression in the input
regex regexFindAll func(s string, regex string, n int) []string [[ $result := toString (regexFindAll "This is a test string" "test" 1) ]] $result = “[test]” returns a slice of all matches of the regular expression in the input string.
The last parameter n determines the number of substrings to return,
where -1 means return all matches.
regex regexMatch func(s string, regex string) bool [[ $result := toString (regexMatch "This is a test string" "test") ]] $result = true returns true if the input string contains any match of the regular expression.
regex regexReplaceAll func(s string, regex string, repl string) string [[ $result := toString (regexReplaceAll "This is a test string" "test" "TesT Replace") ]] $result = “This is a TesT Replace string” returns a copy of the input string, replacing matches of the Regexp with the replacement string replacement.
regex regexReplaceAllLiteral func(s string, regex string, repl string) string [[ $result := toString (regexReplaceAllLiteral "This is a test string" "test" "TesT Replace") ]] $result = “This is a TesT Replace string” difference to regexReplaceAll: The replacement string is substituted directly, without using Expand
regex regexSplit func(s string, regex string, n int) []string [[ $result := toString (regexSplit "This is a test string" "s" 2) ]] $result = “[Thi is a test string]” slices the input string into substrings separated by the expression and returns a slice of the substrings between those expression matches.
marshal marshal func(v interface{}) string [[ $result := toString (marshal "This is a test string") ]] $result = “\“This is a test string\“”` converts an GO object to a JSON object
marshal marshalIndent func(v interface{}) string [[ $result := toString ( marshalIndent $data ) ]]
check code example to create the $data object
$result = “{\n \“teststring\”: [\n \“This\“,\n \“is\“,\n \“a\“,\n \“Test String\”\n ]\n}”` indent the object with 2 additional positions per JSON level.
marshal marshalJson func(v interface{}) string [[ $result := toString (marshal "This is a test string") ]] $result = “\“This is a test string\“”` converts an GO object to a JSON object
marshal marshalJsonIndent func(v interface{}) string [[ $result := toString ( marshalIndent $data ) ]]
check code example to create the $data object
$result = “{\n \“teststring\”: [\n \“This\“,\n \“is\“,\n \“a\“,\n \“Test String\”\n ]\n}”` indent the object with 2 additional positions per JSON level.
marshal marshalYaml func(data interface{}) string [[ $result := toString ( marshalYaml $data ) ]]
check code example to create the $data object
$result = “teststring:\n- This\n- is\n- a\n- Test String\n” converts an object to a YAML object
marshal toJson func(v interface{}) string [[ $result := toString (marshal "This is a test string") ]] $result = “\“This is a test string\“”` converts an GO object to a JSON object
marshal toPrettyJson func(v interface{}) string [[ $result := toString ( marshalIndent $data ) ]]
check code example to create the $data object
$result = “{\n \“teststring\”: [\n \“This\“,\n \“is\“,\n \“a\“,\n \“Test String\”\n ]\n}”` indent the object with 2 additional positions per JSON level.
marshal unmarshal (still in development) func(source string) (data interface{}) [[ $v := unmarshal "['abc', 'cde']" ]] $v contains a new object depends on the input. in this case its a array
marshal unmarshalYaml (still in development) func(source string) (data interface{}) [[ $v := unmarshalYaml $myyamlstring ]] $v contains a new object depends on the input
others clone func(a interface{}) (b interface{}) [[ $result := clone "This is a test string" ]] $result = “This is a test string” copies/clones an object to another object.
others coalesce func(v …interface{}) interface{} [[ $result := coalesce "" "" "This" "is" "a" "test" "string" ]] $result = “This” takes a list of values and returns the first non-empty one.
others default func(d interface{}, given …interface{}) interface{} [[ $result := default "This is a test string" ]] $result = “This is a test string” sets a simple default value.
others empty func(given interface{}) bool [[ $result := empty "This is a test string" ]] $result = false returns true if the given value is considered empty, and false otherwise.
others env func(s string) string [[ $result := env "ENVTEST1" ]] $result = “envValue1” reads the environment variables based on the variable name.
others expandenv func(s string) string [[ $result := expandenv "A ${FIELDNAME1} and $FIELDNAME2" ]] $result = “A $FIELDNAME2 X and NEW VALUE FOR field 2” expands the environment variable to present the value.
others fail func(msg string) (string, error) [[ $result := fail "failed function: workflow still is running" ]] $result = fail “failed function: workflow still is running” returns an empty string and an error with the specified text.
others fatal func(msg string) bool [[ $result := fatal "Fatal Ingrid: programm stopped because of error" ]] no result, Program is exited immediately stops/kills the program.
others flushCache func() bool [[ $result := flushCache ]] $result = true clears the data cache.
others get func(key string) interface{} [[ $result := get "SetLocal1" ]] $result = “This is a local teststring” the value of the named local variable.
others getCache func(key string) interface{} [[ $result := getCache "Entry1" ]] $result = “Cache Value 1” get the value of named cached variable.
others getg func(key string) interface{} [[ $result := getg "globalsimple" ]] $result = “This is a test string” get the value of a global variable.
others getGlobals func() Data [[ $result := getGlobals ]] $result = “map[initiator:[ingrid-api] runtime_version:[…” get the values of all global variables.
others hasCache func(key string) bool [[ $result := hasCache "datafield1" ]] $result = true or false (if named cachefield not exists) checks a data variable, if it exists.
others hasgVar func(key string) bool [[ $result := hasgVar "Var1" ]] $result = true checks a global variable, if it exists.
others hasVar func(key string) bool [[ $result := hasVar "_Var1" ]] $result = true checks a local variable, if it exists.
others listCache func() (keys []string) [[ $result := listCache ]] $result = [datafield1] shows all data variables.
others listgVar func() (keys []string) [[ $result := listgVars ]] $result = [globalvar1] shows all global variables.
others listVars func() (keys []string) [[ $result := listVars ]] $result = [_Var1] shows all local variables.
others nilToBlank func(err error) (msg string) no use case to use this function in a workflow ingrid always generates a error object or bool in actual release.
others set func(key string, value interface{}) string [[ $result := set "_Var1" "Value 1" ]] $result = “_Var1” creates a new local field with corresponding value.
others setCache func(key string, value interface{}) string [[ $result := setCache "datafield1" "Value 1" ]] $result = “datafield1” creates a new cache field with corresponding value.
others setg func(key string, value interface{}) string [[ $result := setg "globalvar1" "Value 1" ]] $result = “globalvar1” creates a new gobal variable field with corresponding value.
others setGlobals func(data pkgmsg.Data) bool no use case to use this function in a workflow creates a new globals field with corresponding value.
others sleep func(value int) bool [[ sleep 1000 ]] sleep for 1 second or 1’000 millisecond sleeps the amount of time in milliseconds.
others ternary func(vt interface{}, vf interface{}, v bool) interface{} [[ $result := ternary "This is a test string" "is not showing" true ]] $result = “This is a test string” takes two values, and a test value. If the test value is true, the first value will be returned. If the test value is empty, the second value will be returned.
others until func(count int) []int [[ $result := until 5 ]] $result = [0 1 2 3 4] builds a range of integers.
others untilStep func(start int, stop int, step int) []int [[ $result := untilStep 4 10 2 ]] $result = [4 6 8] is like until, untilStep generates a list of counting integers. But it allows you to define a start, stop, and step.
others uuidv4 func() string [[ $result := uuidv4 ]] $result = “1483d529-221c-4ebd-b031-9ff0f4419937” can generate UUID v4 universally unique IDs.
ingrid-request setTimeout func(seconds int) bool [[- $_ := setTimeout 5 ]] sets the Timeout for Ingrid Calls and executes
ingrid-request defaultTimeout func() bool [[- $_ := defaultTimeout ]] sets the Timeout to default for Ingrid Calls and executes
ingrid-request newRequest func() IngridMsg [[ $v := newRequest ]] $v contains a new empty Ingrid Request
ingrid-request getRequest func() IngridMsg [[ $v := getRequest ]] $v contains the current Request, that was sent to the Workflow
ingrid-request setRequest func(r IngridMsg) bool [[ $v := setRequest $req ]] Sets the $req object as current Request. $v contains the new Request
ingrid-request getRequestClass func(msg IngridMsg) string [[ $v := getRequestClass $req ]] $v contains the Class of the Ingrid Request $req
ingrid-request getRequestData func(msg IngridMsg) Data [[ $v := getRequestData $req ]] $v contains the Data from the Ingrid Request $req
ingrid-request getRequestOperation func(msg IngridMsg) string [[ $v := getRequestOperation $req ]] $v contains the Operation of the Ingrid Request $req
ingrid-request setRequestClass func(msg IngridMsg, value string) IngridMsg [[ $v := setRequestClass $req "User" ]] sets the Class of the Request $req to “User”. $v contains the new Request
ingrid-request setRequestData func(msg IngridMsg, value Data) IngridMsg [[ $v := setRequestData $req $data ]] sets the Data on the Request $req to $data. $v contains the new Request
ingrid-request getRequestControl func(msg IngridMsg) Data [[ $v := getRequestControl $req ]] $v contains the Controls of the Request $req
ingrid-request setRequestList func(msg IngridMsg, values []Data) IngridMsg [[ $v := setRequestList $req $list ]] sets the List object to the Data Array $list. $v contains the new Request
ingrid-request setRequestOperation func(msg IngridMsg, value string) IngridMsg [[ $v := setRequestOperation $req "YourOp"]] sets the Operation of $req to “YourOp”. $v contains the new Request
ingrid-request getRequestID func(msg IngridMsg) string [[ $v := getRequestID $req]] get the RequestID of the Request $req
ingrid-request setRequestControl func(msg IngridMsg, value string) IngridMsg [[ $v := setRequestControl $req $controls ]] sets the Control of the Request $req to $controls. $v contains the new Request
data newData func() Data [[ $v := newData ]] $v contains a new Data object
data addValue func(data Data, name string, value string) Data [[ $v := addValue $data "key" "value" ]] $v contains the $data object with the “value” added to the attribute “key”
data addValues func(data Data, name string, values []string) Data [[ $v := addValues $data "key" $values ]] $v contains the $data object with the array $values added to the attribute “key”
data clearValue func(data Data, name string) Data [[ $v := clearValue $data "key" ]] $v contains the $data object with the attribute “key” removed
data getValue func(data Data, name string) string [[ $v := getValue $data "key" ]] $v contains the value of the attribute “key” from $data
data getValues func(data Data, name string) []string [[ $v := getValues $data "key" ]] $v contains the values array of the attribute “key” from $data
data setValue func(data Data, name string, value string) Data [[ $v := setValue $data "key" "value" ]] $v contains the $data object with the attribute “key” set to “value” (replace)
data setValues func(data Data, name string, values []string) Data [[ $v := setValues $data "key" $values ]] $v contains the $data object with the attribute “key” set to $values (replace)
data getKeys func getKeys(data Data) []string [[ $v := getKeys $data ]] $v contains all the keys exists in the $data object
list newList func() []Data [[ $v := newList ]] $v contains a new empty List of Data Objects
list addDataToList func(list []Data, data Data) []Data [[ $v := addDataToList $list $data ]] $v contains the List $list with $data Added as new entry to it
list hasList func(result Result) bool [[ $v := hasList $result ]] $v is true if $result contains a List Object with entries
result newResult func() Result [[ $v := newResult ]] $v contains a new Result Object
result getResult func() Result [[ $v := getCurrentResult ]] $v contains the Result object from the current Request
result setResult func(result Result) bool [[ setCurrentResult $res ]] sets the Result object $res as the current Requests Result
result getResult func(msg IngridMsg) Result [[ $v := getResult $msg ]] $v contains the Result object from the given Message Object $msg
result setResult func(msg IngridMsg, result Result) IngridMsg [[ $v := setResult $msg $res ]] sets the Result object $res on the given Message Object $msg and returns a new Message Object
result getResultCode func(result Result) int [[ $v := getResultCode $res ]] $v contains the Result Code from the $res result Object
result getResultData func(result Result) Data [[ $v := getResultData $res ]] $v contains the Result Data from the $res result Object
result getResultList func(result Result) []Data [[ $v := getResultList $res ]] $v contains the Result List from the $res result Object
result getResultMsg func(result Result) string [[ $v := getResultMsg $res ]] $v contains the Result Message from the $res result Object
result setResultCode func(result Result, code int) Result [[ $v := setResultCode $res 400 ]] $v contains the $res Result Object with the Code set to 400
result setResultData func(result Result, data Data) Result [[ $v := setResultData $res $data ]] $v contains the $res Result Object with the Data set to $data
result setResultList func(result Result, data []Data) Result [[ $v := setResultList $res $list ]] $v contains the $res Result Object with the List set to $list
result setResultMsg func(result Result, msg string) Result [[ $v := setResultMsg $res "It Went Wrong" ]] $v contains the $res Result Object with the Message set to “It Went Wrong”
control newControl func() Data [[ $v := newControl ]] $v contains new Control structure. It is the same as Data. You can use all the Data functions on it
calls ingridCall func(slap string, v interface{}) (Data IngridMsg) [[ $v := ingridCall "main" $req ]] Sends a Request to the hive to Slap “main”. $v contains a request, that should contain a Result
calls ingridCallRaw func(slap string, data string) []byte [[ $v := ingridCallRaw "another_slap" $myrawdata ]] Sends a Request to the hive to Slap “another_slap” with the Raw Data of $myrawdata. $v will be a array of bytes with the response in it
calls ingridExec func(slap string, v interface{}) (err error) [[ $v := ingridExec "some_broadcast" $req ]] Sends a Request to the hive to Slap “some_broadcast”. $v should be nil unless there is a error while sending to the hive
calls log func(severity string, message string) bool [[ log "error" "log this error" ]] Sends a Log Message to the hive as error with the given message
calls logIt func(severity string, actor string, message string) bool [[ logIt "warn" "myworker" "log this error" ]] Sends a Log Message to the hive as warning with the given message and the given actor
calls audit func(workflow string, process string, requestid string, version string, data string) bool [[ audit "CoolWorkflow" "Step1" "1234" "1.0" "Audit this user request" ]] Send an Audit Message to the Hive.
calls auditIt func(severity string, actor string, requestid string, message string, tags string) bool [[ auditIt "warn" "myworker" "1234" "Audit this user request" "nutz" ]] Send an Audit Message to the Hive.
calls openIncident func(incidentType string, message string, tags string, requestid string) bool [[ openIncident "critical" "No db conn" "db-updater" "example-request-id" ]] Sends a incident message to the hive with open
calls openIncidentRaw func(incidentType string, actor string, message string, status string, tags string, requestid string, incidentid string) bool [[ openIncidentRaw "critical" "mysql" "No db conn" "open" "db-updater" "example-request-id" "example-incident-id" ]] Sends a incident message to the hive with open
calls closeIncident func(incidentid string) bool [[ closeIncident "example-id" ]] Sends a incident message to the hive with close
calls closeAllIncidents func(tag string) bool [[ closeAllIncidents "db-updater" ]] Sends a incident message to the hive with closeall
metrics newMeter func() Meter [[ $v := newMeter ]] $v contains new Meter Object
metrics startMeter func(meter Meter) Meter [[ $v := startMeter $meter ]] $v contains the $meter Object. The Meter has been started
metrics stopMeter func(meter Meter) Meter [[ $v := stopMeter $meter ]] $v contains the $meter Object with the Meter stopped
metrics getMeterSeconds func(meter Meter) float64 [[ $v := getMeterSeconds $meter ]] $v contains the seconds passed between start and stop
metrics getMeterNanos func(meter Meter) float64 [[ $v := getMeterNanos $meter ]] $v contains the Nanoseconds between start and stop
metrics getMeterDuration func(meter Meter) Duration [[ $v := getMeterDuration $meter ]] $v contains the duration beween start and stop
metrics addMetric func(metrictype string, metricunit string, metricname string, metricid string, value interface{}, more string) bool [[ addMetric "flow" "s" "meter1" "act1" (getMeterSeconds $meter) (print (getMeterDuration $meter)) ]] Adds a Metric entry to the stats with the measurement of a meter
metrics getMeta func() Data [[ $v := getMeta ]] $v contains the Meta Data (Data Object)
metrics setMeta func(metadata Data) bool [[ setMeta $data ]] Set the Meta Data on the Metric
filesystem saveFile func(name string, content Data) error [[ $v := saveFile "myfile" $content ]] $v contains an Error if the Data in the file could not be saved
filesystem loadFile func(name string) content Data [[ $v := loadFile "myfile" ]] $v contains a Data Object created from the Filecontent
filesystem saveRawFile func(name string, content interface{}) error [[ $v := saveRawFile "myfile" $content ]] $v contains an Error if the file could not be saved
filesystem loadRawFile func(name string) interface{} [[ $v := loadRawFile "myfile" ]] $v contains an byte array loaded from the Filecontent
filesystem saveListFile func(name string, content []Data) error [[ $v := saveListFile "myfile" $list]] $v contains an Error if the List Object could not be saved to the file
filesystem loadListFile func(name string) (content []Data) [[ $v := loadListFile "myfile" ]] $v contains a List of Data Objects loaded from the File
filesystem saveRequest func(name string, content IngridMsg) error [[ $v := saveRequest "myfile" $request ]] $v contains an Error if the Request Object could not be saved into the file
filesystem loadRequest func(name string) (content IngridMsg) [[ $v := loadRequest "myfile" ]] $v contains a Request Object loaded from the File
logging debug func(objs …interface{}) bool [[ debug "myfile" 123 ]] debugs the given objects
mapping setMapEntry func(inmap map[string]string, key string, value string) map[string]string [[ $v := setMapEntry $map "newkey" "newvalue" ]] $v contains the $map with the key “newkey” to to value “newvalue”
mapping newMap func() map[string]string [[ $v := newMap ]] $v contains a new map object
mapping mapData func(inmap map[string]string, data Data) Data [[ $v := mapData $map $data ]] maps the data from $data into $v according to the $map (maps keys) copies rest
mapping mapStrictData func(inmap map[string]string, data Data) Data [[ $v := mapStrictData $map $data ]] maps the data from $data into $v acording to the $map (maps only avilable keys)
mapping suffixReplace func(inmap map[string]string, data Data) Data [[ $v := suffixReplace $map $data ]] replaces suffixes in $data values according to key value from the $map
mapping prefixReplace func(inmap map[string]string, data Data) Data [[ $v := prefixReplace $map $data ]] replaces prefixed in $data values according to key value from the $map
error addError func ( err error ) bool [[ addError (newError "my Error: This is a test string" )]] “my Error: This is a test string” adds an additional error message to the error object
error clearErrors func () bool [[ clearErrors ]] null reset all errors
error getError func () string [[ getError ]] result on console: “illegal base64 data at input byte 4” contains the error message (1st error)
error getErrors func () (tplerr []string) [[ getErrors ]] result on console: “illegal base64 data at input byte 4”
“my Error: This is a test string”
returns all errors
error hasErrors func () bool [[ hasErrors ]] if error = true / no error = false checks the command for errors
error newError func ( text string ) error [[ $result := newError "This is a test string" ]] $result = “This is a test string” returns an error that formats as the given text
developer __break func() boo [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __cache func() string [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __data func() string [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __debug func(objs …interface{}) string [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __dump func() string [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __exit func(sec int) bool [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __sleep func(sec int) bool [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __template func() string [[ $result := ]] $result =
developer __vars func() string [[ $result := ]] $result =