

All Error functions

All functions which have an errorhandling will return error information.

Name Function header Example Result Description Errorhandling
addError func ( err error ) bool [[ addError (newError "my Error: This is a test string" )]] “my Error: This is a test string” adds an additional error message to the error object
clearErrors func () bool [[ clearErrors ]] true reset all errors
getError func () string [[ getError ]] result on console: “illegal base64 data at input byte 4” contains the error message (1st error)
getErrors func () (tplerr []string) [[ getErrors ]] result on console: “illegal base64 data at input byte 4”
“my Error: This is a test string”
returns all errors
hasErrors func () bool [[ hasErrors ]] if error = true / no error = false checks the command for errors
newError func ( text string ) error [[ $result := newError "This is a test string" ]] $result = “This is a test string” returns an error that formats as the given text


func ( err error ) bool

The addError function adds an additional error message to the error object.


[[ addError (newError "my Error: This is a test string" ) ]]
[[ $result := getError ]]
$result = "my Error: This is a test string"

[[ $result := getErrors ]]
$result = "my Error: This is a test string"

_comment testcase clearErrors and then make an error and show the error value(s)
[[ clearErrors ]]
[[ b64dec "This is a test string" ]]
[[ addError (newError "my Error: b64dec" )]]
[[ $result := getError ]]
$result = "illegal base64 data at input byte 4"

[[ $result := getErrors ]]
$result = [ "illegal base64 data at input byte 4", "my Error: b64dec" ]

_comment testcase with custom variables in error message and show all errors
[[ $x := "This is a 2nd test string" ]]
[[ b64dec $x ]]
[[ addError (newError (print "my Error: " $x ) )]]
[[ $result := getError ]]
$result = "illegal base64 data at input byte 4"

[[ $result := getErrors ]]
$result = [ "my Error: This is a test string", "illegal base64 data at input byte 4", "my Error No 2: ...string" ]

_comment clearError and then addError. So we got only the last one
[[ clearErrors ]]
[[ addError (newError (print "my Error: " $x ) )]]
[[ $result := getError ]]
$result = "my Error: This is a 2nd test string"

[[ $result := getErrors ]]
$result = [ "my Error: This is a 2nd test string" ]


func () bool

The clearErrors function reset all errors.

Application notes / Limits:

  • If you do a “clearErrors” at the end of your workflow, no error information will be logged to the ingrid app.


_comment test cases with given values
_comment prepare test case and present eror
[[ addError (newError "my Error: This is a test string" )]]
[[ $result := clearErrors ]]
$result = true

_comment clearErrors and present result
[[ $result := clearErrors ]]
$result = true


func () string

The getError function contains the error message.

Application notes / Limits:

  • If there are many errors. The function will only return the first error message in the error-array. To get all errors see getErrors


_comment create an error and getError
[[ b64dec "This is a test string" ]]
[[ $result := getError ]]
$result = "illegal base64 data at input byte 4"


func () (tplerr []string)

The getErrors function returns all errors in a string array.


_comment create an error and getErrors
[[ b64dec "This is a test string" ]]
[[ $result := getErrors ]]
$result = "[ "illegal base64 data at input byte 4" ]"

[[ b64dec "This is a test string" ]]
[[ addError (newError (print "my Error" ) )]]
[[ $result := getErrors ]]
$result = "[ "illegal base64 data at input byte 4", "my Error" ]

_comment testcase with custom variables in error message and show all errors
[[ $x := "This is a test string" ]]
[[ b64dec $x ]]
[[ addError (newError (print "my Error: " $x ) )]]
[[ $result := getErrors ]]
$result = "[ "illegal base64 data at input byte 4", "my Error: This is a test string" ]"


func hasErrors() bool

The hasErrors function checks the command for errors.


_comment create an error and hasErrors
[[ b64dec "This is a test string" ]]
[[ $result := hasErrors ]]
$result = true

_comment testcase with custom variables in error message and show all errors
[[ clearErrors ]]
[[ $x := "This is a test string" ]]
[[ b64dec $x ]]
[[ addError (newError (print "my Error: " $x ) )]]
[[ $result := hasErrors ]]
$result = true


func New( text string ) error

The newError function returns an error that formats as the given text. Each call to New returns a distinct error value even if the text is identical.


[[ $result := newError  "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"