

This service implements a interceptor service used by ingrid services only. Map or transform data using TypeScript.

docker pull registry.goingrid.io/worker/tsinterceptor:v0.1.0

Table of contents

Service properties

The TSInterceptor does not implement the ingrid protocol message. It is only used by other services to intercept and map or transform data.

Service capabilities

Calling a function

Calling a function is done by sending a HTTP request to the TSInterceptor service (e.g https://tsinterceptor/hello).

Mapping JSON data to ingrid protocol

### Create user
POST https://tsinterceptor/hello HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "name": ["Tony"]
import { Response, IngridResponse, IngridMsg, IngridResult, IngridData } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itdistrict/ingrid-deno/master/lib/ingrid.ts";

export function hello(type: string, value: any, options: Record<string, string>): IngridResponse {
    var resp = new IngridResponse();
    let ingMsg : IngridMsg = new IngridMsg();
    if (type == "json") {
        let ingData: IngridData = {};
        ingData["msg"] = ["Hello there " + value.Data.name[0] ];
        ingMsg.Data = ingData;
    resp.options = options;
    resp.data = ingMsg;
    return resp;

Service configuration

Parameter Default Description
Port 80 Port used to listen to
BasePath "/" Base path used to prepend to the url (e.g. /tsi)