

All Crypto functions

Name Function header Example Result Description Errorhandling
buildCustomCert func(b64cert string, b64key string) (certificate, error) [[ $result := buildCustomCert $cert $key ]] $result.Key / $result.Cert contains a new Certificate signed by the CA creates a custom certificate based on a the CA. [X]
derivePassword func(counter uint32, passwordType string, password string, user string, site string) string [[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "maximum" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]] $result = “h0l74EUVH0Sr1TtHM55” generates a password based on the diverse input parameters.
genCA func(cn string, daysValid int) (certificate, error) [[ $result := toString (genCA "" (int "3650")) ]] $result.Key = “< CA private key>” / $result.Cert = “< CA Certificate>” generates a digital certificate for a certificate authority (CA) [X]
genPrivateKey func(typ string) string [[ $result := toString (genPrivateKey "") ]] $result.Key = “< private key >” / $result.Cert = “< Certificate >” generates a private key based on the required key type e.g. rsa / dsa / ecdsa
genSelfSignedCert func(cn string, ips []string, alternateDNS []string, daysValid int) (certificate, error) [[ $result := genSelfSignedCert "" (split "," "," ) (split "san1.muster.max,," ",") 365 ]] $result.Key = “< private key >” / $result.Cert = “< Certificate >” generates a self signed certificate based on several input parameter [X]
genSignedCert func(cn string, ips []string, alternateDNS []string, daysValid int, ca certificate) (certificate, error) [[ $result := genSignedCert "" (split "," "," ) (split "san1.muster.max,," ",") 365 $ca ]] $result.Key = “< private key >” / $result.Cert = “< Certificate >” generates a signed certificate based on several input parameter and a certificate authority (CA) certificate [X]


func(b64cert string, b64key string) (certificate, error)

The buildCustomCert function creates a custom certificate based on a the CA.


_comment Valid Testcases for ingrid document examples.
[[ $cacert := genCA  "" 3650 ]]
[[ $key := b64enc (toByte $cacert.Key) ]]
[[ $cert := b64enc (toByte $cacert.Cert) ]]
[[ $result := buildCustomCert $cert $key ]]
$result.Cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- < content of certificate part > \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
$result.Key  = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- < content of private key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY------\n"
[[ $string1 := b64enc (toByte "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- < Certificate >-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") ]]
[[ $string2 := b64enc (toByte "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- < private key >-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n") ]]
[[ $result := buildCustomCert $string1 $string2 ]]
$result.Cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- < content of certificate part > \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
$result.Key  = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- < content of private key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY------\n"


func(counter uint32, passwordType string, password string, user string, site string) string

The derivePassword function generates a password based on the input parameters.

Application notes / Limits:

  • possible password Types (passwordType) are:
    • maximum
    • long
    • medium
    • short
    • basic
    • pin


[[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "maximum" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]]
$result = "h0l74EUVH0Sr1TtHM55"

[[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "long" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]]
$result = "Sute6&CibyQelu"

[[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "medium" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]]
$result = "SutHec8%"

[[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "short" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]]
$result = "Sut1"

[[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "basic" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]]
$result = "hNW1UEr2"

[[ $result := toString (derivePassword (int "12345") "pin" "passwordtest" "max muster" "") ]]
$result = "0431"


func(cn string, daysValid int) (certificate, error)

The genCA function generates a digital certificate for a certificate authority (CA).

Application notes / Limits:


  • cn: common names


[[ $result := toString (genCA "" (int "3650")) ]]
$result.Cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- < content of ca certificate part >\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n
$result.Key  = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- < content of private ca key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"


func(typ string) string

The genPrivateKey function generates a private key based on the required key type.

Application notes / Limits:

  • Functionfield: typ = key types. Following values are possible:


[[ $result := toString (genPrivateKey "") ]]
$result = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- < content of private key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"

[[ $result := toString (genPrivateKey "dsa") ]]
$result = "-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY----- < content of private key part > \n-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"

[[ $result := toString (genPrivateKey "ecdsa") ]]
$result = "-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- < content of private key part > \n-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----\n"

$result.Cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- < content of certificate part > \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
$result.Key  = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- < content of private key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY------\n"

[[ $result := toString (genPrivateKey "") ]]
$result = "Unknown type"


func(cn string, ips []string, alternateDNS []string, daysValid int) (certificate, error)

The genSelfSignedCert function generates a self signed certificate based on several input parameter.

Application notes / Limits:


  • cn: common name
  • ips: Array of IP Numbers
  • alternateDNS: Subject Alternative Names
  • daysValid: certification duration in number of days


_comment Result shows 2 output fields
[[ $result := genSelfSignedCert "" (split "," "," ) (split "san1.muster.max,," ",") 365 ]]
$result.Cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- < content of certificate part > \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
$result.Key  = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- < content of private key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY------\n"


func(cn string, ips []string, alternateDNS []string, daysValid int, ca certificate) (certificate, error)

The genSignedCert function generates a signed certificate based on several input parameter and a certificate authority (CA) certificate.

Application notes / Limits:


  • cn: common name
  • ips: Array of IP Numbers
  • alternateDNS: Subject Alternative Names
  • daysValid: certification duration in number of days
  • ca: contains the CA-Certificate with key and certificate


_comment Example 1
_comment based on a new CA-Cert
[[ $ca := genCA "" 3650 ]]
[[ $result := genSignedCert "" (split "," "," ) (split "san1.muster.max,," ",") 365 $ca ]]
$result.Cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- < content of certificate part > \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
$result.Key  = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- < content of private key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY------\n"

_comment Example 2
_comment based on existing CA-Cert, which uses the function buildCustomCert to prepare the CA for this genSignedCert zfunction
[[ $cacert := b64enc (toByte "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- < Certificate >-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") ]]
[[ $cakey  := b64enc (toByte "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- < private key >-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n") ]]
[[ $ca := buildCustomCert $cacert $cakey ]]
[[ $result := genSignedCert "" (split "," "," ) (split "san1.muster.max,," ",") 365 $ca ]]
_comment below is the result 
$result.Cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE---- < content of certificate part > \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
$result.Key  = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- < content of private key part > \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY------\n"