All String functions
Name | Function header | Example | Result | Description | Errorhandling |
after | func(value string, a string) string | [[ $result := after "This is a test string" "is" ]] |
$result = “ a test string” | Cuts the input string after the match/search string. | |
abbrev | func(s string, width int) string | [[ $result := abbrev "this is a very long test string" 10 ]] |
$result = “this is…” | Cuts string and adds … if they are to long | |
abbrevBoth | func(s string, left, right int) string | [[ $resulat := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 5 10 ]] |
$result = “…is a…” | Cuts from left and right characters and replaces them with …, if string is large enough. | |
adler32sum | func(input string) string | [[ $result := adler32sum "This is a test string" ]] |
$result = “1363740589” | Returns the adler32-hash of the source string. | |
camelcase | func(str string) string | [[ $result := camelcase "this is a TeSt String" ]] |
$result = “ThisIsATestString” | Replaces a space or an underscores with a capital letter. Other capital letter will be replaced with lower case. | |
cat | func(i interface…) string | [[ $result := cat "This is a test string" "100" "This is a test string2" ]] |
$result = “This is a test string 100 This is a test string2” | Concatenates strings together into 1 string | |
contains | func(s string, substr string) bool | [[ $result := contains "This is a test string" "is a" ]] |
$result = true | Checks the string, if a specific search string occurs. If occurs = true, else = false | |
hasPrefix | func(s string, prefix string) bool | [[ $result := hasPrefix "This is a test string" "Thi" ]] |
$result = true | Checks the string, if the string starts with the specified string. | |
hasSuffix | func(s string, suffix string) bool | [[ $result := hassuffix "This is a test string" "ing" ]] |
$result = true | Checks the string, if the string ends with the specified string | |
indent | func(v string, spaces int) string | [[ $result := indent "This is a test string" 5 ]] |
$result = “ This is a test string” | Indent the string based on the number with spaces. | |
initials | func(s string) string | [[ $result := initials "This is a test string" ]] |
$result = “Tiats” | Contains all first letters from each word in the string. | |
join | func(v interface{}, sep string) string | [[ $result := join "This","is","a","test","string" "_" ]] |
$result = “This_is_a_test_string” | Joins a list of strings into a single string, with the given separator. | |
kebabcase | func(str string) string | [[ $result := kebabcase "This is a TeSt String" ]] |
$result = “this-is-a-te-st-string” | Replaces all spaces with a dash (-) and all upper case with a dash and the lower case character. | |
lower | func(s string) string | [[ $result := toLower "This is a TEST String" ]] |
$result = “this is a teststring” | Converts all upper case characters to lower case | |
nindent | func(v string, spaces int) string | [[ $result := nindent "This is a test string" 2 ]] |
$result = “\n This is a test string” | Is the same as the indent function, but prepends a new line to the beginning of the string. | |
noescape | func(str string) HTML | stdout: [[ noescape "<b>This is a test string</b>" ]] |
On standard Log console = stdout: This is a test string | Doesn’t escape the string. Used for stdout/Console. | |
nospace | func(str string) string | [[ $result := toUpper "This is a test string" ]] |
$result = “Thisisateststring” | Eliminiats all spaces in the string. | |
plural | func(one string, many string, count int) string | [[ $result := plural "This is a test string" "This are plenty of strings" 1 ]] |
$result = “This is a test string” | Pluralize a string | |
quote | func(i interface) string | [[ $result := quote "This is a test string" "This is a test string2" ]] |
$result = “\“This is a test string\” \“This is a test string2\“” | Inserts double quotes “ between strings. | |
randAlpha | func(count int) string | [[ $result := randAlpha "5" ]] |
$result = “KjcNd” | Generates a random Alpha string with upper and lower case characters. | |
randAlphaNum | func(count int) string | [[ $result := randAlphaNum 10 ]] |
$result = “E9ZsAHervv” | Contains random alpha and numeric characters | |
randAscii | func(count int) string | [[ $result := randAscii 5 ]] |
$result = “AmaN&” | Generates a random Ascii string | |
randNumeric | func(count int) string | [[ $result := randNumeric 5 ]] |
$result = “67336” | Generates a random numeric string. | |
repeat | func(s string, count int) string | [[ $result := repeat "This is a test string" 5 ]] |
$result = “This is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test string” | Repeats the string based on the number. | |
replace | func(src string, old string, new string) string | [[ $result := replace "This is a test string" "string" "replace" ]] |
$result = “This is a test replace” | Performs a simple string replacement. | |
replaceLine | func(input, search, newline string) string | [[ $result := replaceLine "This is a test string" "test" "String test new" ]] |
$result = “String test new” | Replaces the source/input string, if a match with the search string occurs with the newline string. | |
replaceLineAndIndent | func(input, search, newline string) string | [[ $result := replaceLineAndIndent "This is a test string" "test" "String test new" ]] |
$result = “ String test new” | replaces the source/input string, if a match with the search string occurs with the newline string and indent the line based on the source/input string. | |
sha1sum | func(input string) string | [[ $result := sha1sum "This is a test string" ]] |
$result = “e2f67c772368acdeee6a2242c535c6cc28d8e0ed” | Returns the sha1-hash of the source string. | |
sha256sum | func(input string) string | [[ $result := sha256sum "This is a test string" ]] |
$result = “717ac506950da0ccb6404cdd5e7591f72018a20cbca27c8a423e9c9e5626ac61” | Returns the sha256-hash of the source | |
shuffle | func(str string) string | [[ $result := shuffle "This is a test string" ]] |
$result = “ asnrttsesiThgsi it” | Randomized order of same string | |
snakecase | func(str string) string | [[ $result := snakecase "This is a TeSt string" ]] |
$result = “this_is_a_te_st_string” | Converts all upper to lower case and inserts additional an underscore “_” | |
sortAlpha | func(list interface{}) []string | [[ $result := sortAlpha [ "öäü","<",".","A","a","!","$","1" ] ]] |
$result = [ “!”,”\$“,”.“,“1”,”<“,“A”,“a”,“öäü” ] | sorts a list of strings into alphabetical (lexicographical) order. | |
splitList | func(orig string, sep string) []string | [[ $result := splitList "This is a #test string" "#" ]] |
$result = “[“This is a “,“test string”]” | Splits the source string based on separator and produces a array. [[ $result := splitList “This#is a #test string” “#” ]] | |
split | func(orig string, sep string) []string | [[ $result := split "This is a #test string" "#" ]] |
$result = “[“This is a “,“test string”]” | Splits the source string based on separator and produces a array. | |
splitnToMap | func(orig string, sep string, c int) map[string]string | [[ $result := splitnToMap "This is a test string" "test" 2]] |
$result = “{”_0”:“This is a “,”_1”:” string”} | Splits the source/orig string based on separator (sep) and the max split count ©, which produces a map with index keys.keys. | |
splitToMap | func(orig string, sep string) map[string]string | [[ $result := splitToMap "This is a test string" "test" ]] |
$result = “{”_0”:“This is a “,”_1”:” string”}” | Splits the source string based on separator and produces a map with index keys. | |
squote | func(i interface) string | [[ $result := quote "This is a test string" "This is a test string2" ]] |
$result = “‘This is a test string’ ‘This is a test string2’” | Inserts simple quotes ‘ between strings. | |
substr | func(s string, start, end int) string | [[ $result := substr "This is a test string" 1 11 ]] |
$result = “his is a t” “St” | Cuts the string starting with start value end stop with the end value | |
swapcase | func(str string) string | [[ $result := swapcase "This is a tESt String" ]] |
$result = “tHIS IS A TesT sTRING” | Changes lower case to upper and upper to lower case characters. | |
title | func(s string) string | [[ $result := title "this is a test string" ]] |
$result = “This Is A Test String” | Converts the first letter of the word to upper case | |
toLower | func(s string) string | [[ $result := toLower "This is a TEST String" ]] |
$result = “this is a teststring” | Converts all upper case characters to lower case | |
toString | func(v interface{}) string | [[ $result := toString "[This is a test1 string" "This is a TEST2 string]" ]] |
$result = “[This is a test1 string This is a TEST2 string]” | Converts everything to a string. | |
toStrings | func(v interface{}) []string | [[ $result := toStrings "This is a test string" ]] |
$result = [ “This is a test string” ] | Converts everything to a string array. | |
toUpper | func(s string) string | [[ $result := toUpper "This is a teststring" ]] |
$result = “ “THIS IS A TESTSTRING” | Converts lower case charaters to upper case | |
trim | func(s string) string | [[ $result := trim " This is a teststring " ]] |
$result = “This is a teststring” | Eliminates spaces at the beginning and end of a string | |
trimAll | func(s string, cutset string) string | [[ $result := trimAll "aabHabb" "ab" ]] |
$result = “H” | Cuts characters from left and right, if any combination of cutset-characters matches. | |
trimPrefix / stripPrefix | func(s string, prefix string) string | [[ $result := trimPrefix "This is a test string" "This " ]] |
$result = “is a test string” | Eliminates the characters from the beginning of the string. | |
trimSuffix / stripSuffix | func(s string, suffix string) string | [[ $result := trimSuffix "This is a test string" " string" ]] |
$result = “This is a test” | Eliminates the suffix from the end of the string. | |
trunc | func(s string, c int) string | [[ $result := trunc "This is a test string" 11 ]] |
$result = “This is a t” | Cuts from left to right depending on the integer value. | |
untitle | func(s string) string | [[ $result := title "This Is A Test String" ]] |
$result = “this is a test string” | Converts the first letter of the word to lower case | |
upper | func(s string) string | [[ $result := toUpper "This is a teststring" ]] |
$result = “THIS IS A TESTSTRING” | Converts lower case charaters to upper case | |
wrap | func(str string, wrapLength int) string | [[ $result := wrap "This is a test string" 10 ]] |
$result = “This is a\ntest\nstring” | Replaces the space with a line breaks before the wrapLength has reached. | |
wrapWith | func(str string, len int, sep string) string | [[ $result := wrapWith "This is a test string" 10 "+#+" ]] |
$result = “This is a+#+test+#+string” | Replaces space with the indiviual separator before the wrapLength has reached. It also splits long words. |
func(s string, width int) string
The abbrev
function replaces all characters after width with …, if the string length is large enough. Otherwise it will present the whole string.
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $resulat := abbrev "this is a very long test string" 10 ]]
$result = "this is..."
[[ $result := abbrev "this is a very long test string" 2 ]]
$result = "this is a very long test string"
[[ $result := abbrev "thi" 2 ]]
$result = "thi"
[[ $result := abbrev "this is a very long test string" 100 ]]
$result = "this is a very long test string"
func (s string, left, right int) string
The abbrevBoth
function replaces characters with … from left and right, if the string is large enough.
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $resulat := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 5 10 ]]
$result = " a..."
[[ $result := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 0 10 ]]
$result = "this is..."
[[ $result := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 4 6 ]]
$result = "this is a very long test string"
[[ $result := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 5 7 ]]
$result = "...i..."
[[ $result := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 10 23 ]]
$result = "...very long test st..."
[[ $result := abbrevBoth "this is a very long test string" 10 24 ]]
$result = "...very long test string"
shortest string for abbrevBoth
[[ $result := abbrevBoth "this is a " 5 7 ]]
$result = "...i..."
func(input string) string
The adler32sum
function returns the adler32-hash of the source string. Wikipedia
[[ $result := adler32sum "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "1363740589"
[[ $result := adler32sum "This is a very long Test String with numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and special signs +*ç%&/()=?! and äöü:;" ]]
$result = "532b13b03e7bba6530090a8e7d6c2e909c8fbe2ee397eec6fb320cb7cfefdcb2"
func(value string, a string) string
The after
function cuts the input string after the match/search string.
[[ $result := after "This is a test string" "test " ]]
$result = "string"
[[ $result := after "This is a test string" "is" ]]
$result = " a test string"
[[ $result := after "This is a test string" "is a " ]]
$result = "test string"
func(str string) string
The camelcase
function replaces a space or underscores with an upper case letter from the next letter and all other capital letters will be replaced to lower case character.
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $result := camelcase "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "ThisIsATestString"
[[ $result := camelcase "This is a TeSt String" ]]
$result = "ThisIsATestString"
[[ $result := camelcase "this is a TeSt String" ]]
$result = "ThisIsATestString"
[[ $result := camelcase "this:is___a TeSt_String" ]]
$result = "This:is__A TestString"
func(i interface...) string
The cat
function concatenates multiple strings together into one, separating them with spaces.
[[ $result := cat "This is a test string" "100" "This is a test string2" ]]
$result = "This is a test string 100 This is a test string2"
func(s string, substr string) bool
The contains
function checks the string, if the specific substring/search occurs. If the string occurs, the function returns true otherwise false.
[[ $result := contains "This is a test string" "is a" ]]
$result = true
[[ $result := contains "This is a test string" "Aha" ]]
$result = false
func(s string, prefix string) bool
The hasPrefix
function checks the string, if the string starts with the specified string
[[ $result := hasPrefix "This is a test string" "Thi" ]]
$result = true
[[ $result := hasPrefix "This is a test string" "test" ]]
$result = false
func(s string, suffix string) bool
The hasSuffix
function checks the string, if the string ends with the specified string
[[ $result := hasSuffix "This is a test string" "ing" ]]
$result = true
[[ $result := hasSuffix "This is a test string" "test" ]]
$result = false
func(v string, spaces int) string
The indent
function indent the string based on the number with spaces.
[[ $result := indent "This is a test string" 5 ]]
$result = " This is a test string"
func(s string) string
The initials
function contains all first letters from each word in the string.
[[ $result := initials "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "Tiats"
[[ $result := initials "This is a Test STRING" ]]
$result = "TiaTS"
func(v interface{}, sep string) string
The join
function joins a list of strings into a single string, with the given separator.
[[ $result := join "This","is","a","test","string" "_" ]]
$result = "This_is_a_test_string"
[[ $result := join (list "This" "is" "a" "test" "string") "_" ]]
[[ setCurrentResultDataValue "DocuFixValue" $result ]]
func(str string) string
The kebabcase
function replaces all spaces with a dash (-). Also all upper case letter will be replaces with an additional dash (-) and the upper case is replaced with the corresponding lower case letter.
with a dash (-)
All upper case characters will be converted to lower case.
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $result := kebabcase "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "this-is-a-test-string"
[[ $result := kebabcase "This is a TeSt String" ]]
$result = "this-is-a-te-st-string"
example 3: mulitple spaces, underscores and capital letters
[[ $result := kebabcase "This is___a TESt String" ]]
$result = "this-is---a--te-st-string"
check function: toLower
func(v string, spaces int) string
The nindent
function is the same as the indent function, but prepends a new line to the beginning of the string.
[[ $result := nindent "This is a--_test String" 5 ]]
$result = "\n This is a--_test String"
[[ $result := nindent "This is a test string" 2 ]]
$result = "\n This is a test string"
func(str string) HTML
The noescape
function doesn’t escape the string.
Application notes / Limits:
stdout: [[ noescape "<b>This is a test string</b>" ]]
On standard Log console = stdout: <b>This is a test string</b>
func(str string) string
The nospace
function eliminats all spaces in the string.
[[ $result := nospace "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "Thisisateststring"
func(one string, many string, count int) string
The plural
function pluralize a string.
In the below, if the length of the string is 1, the first argument will be printed. Otherwise, the second argument will be printed.
The arguments are:
[[ $result := plural "This is a test string" "This are plenty of strings" 1 ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
[[ $result := plural "This is a test string" "This are plenty of strings" 2 ]]
$result = "This are plenty of strings"
func(i interface) string
The quote
function inserts double quotes “ between strings.
[[ $result := quote "This is a test string" "This is a test string2" ]]
$result = "\"This is a test string\" \"This is a test string2\""
func(count int) string
The randAlpha
function generates a random string only with Alpha characters with upper and lower case.
[[ $result := randAlpha 5 ]]
$result = "KjcNd"
func(count int) string
The randAlphaNum
function generates a random string with numbers, upper and lower case characters.
[[ $result := randAlphaNum 10 ]]
$result = "E9ZsAHervv"
[[ $result := randAlphaNum 0 ]]
$result = ""
[[ $result := randAlphaNum "This is a test string" ]]
$result = ""
[[ $result := randAlphaNum 20 ]]
$result = "Q7OAP5Fn06dcuxwPpIIa"
func(count int) string
The randAscii
function generates a random Ascii string. Ascii see Wikipedia
[[ $result := randAscii 5 ]]
$result = "|maN&"
func(count int) string
The randNumeric
function generates a random numeric string.
[[ $result := randNumeric 5 ]]
$result = "67336"
func(s string, count int) string
The repeat
function repeats the string based on the number. The output is a string again.
[[ $result := repeat "This is a test string" 5 ]]
$result = "This is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test stringThis is a test string"
[[ $result := repeat "This is a test string" 0 ]]
$result = ""
func(src string, old string, new string) string
The replace
function performs a simple string replacement.
It takes three arguments:
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $result := replace "This is a test string" "string" "replace" ]]
$result = "This is a test replace"
[[ $result := replace "This is a Test string" "is a" "has been a"]]
$result = "This has been a test string"
func(input, search, newline string) string
The replaceLine
function replaces the source/input string, if a match with the search string occurs with the newline string.
[[ $result := replaceLine "This is a test string" "test" "String test new" ]]
$result = "String test new"
no match
[[ $result := replaceLine "This is a test string" "ab" "String test new" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
func(input, search, newline string) string
The replaceLineAndIndent
function replaces the source/input string, if a match with the search string occurs with the newline string and indent the line based on the source/input.
[[ $result := replaceLineAndIndent " This is a test string" "test" "String test new" ]]
$result = " String test new"
no match
[[ $result := replaceLineAndIndent "This is a test string" "ab" "String test new" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
func(input string) string
The sha1sum
function returns the sha1-hash of the source string.
[[ $result := sha1sum "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "e2f67c772368acdeee6a2242c535c6cc28d8e0ed"
[[ $result := sha1sum "This is a very long Test String with numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and special signs +*ç%&/()=?! and äöü:;" ]]
$result = "64fe0b4ff6bb7f3c1f863f8bf465f8e1cbdc2655"
func(input string) string
The sha256sum
function returns the sha256-hash of the source string.
[[ $result := sha256sum "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "717ac506950da0ccb6404cdd5e7591f72018a20cbca27c8a423e9c9e5626ac61"
[[ $result := sha256sum "This is a very long Test String with numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and special signs +*ç%&/()=?! and äöü:;" ]]
$result = "532b13b03e7bba6530090a8e7d6c2e909c8fbe2ee397eec6fb320cb7cfefdcb2"
func(str string) string
The shuffle
function randomizes the input string, so the characters will be in another position in the output string. The amount of characters and length are equal.
[[ $result := shuffle "This is a test string" ]]
$result = " asnrttsesiThgsi it"
[[ $result := shuffle "This is a test string 1 2 3 4 $ # xX" ]]
$result = "ti a t$r 14iXss 3 h # Tts2n xi seg"
func(str string) string
The snakecase
function converts all upper to lower case and inserts additional an underscore “_“, if it’s not the first letter. Spaces also will be replaced with an underscore. See wikipedia
[[ $result := snakecase "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "this_is_a_test_string"
[[ $result := snakecase "This is a TeSt string" ]]
$result = "this_is_a_te_st_string"
[[ $result := snakecase "ThisisaTeStString" ]]
$result = "thisisa_te_st_string"
[[ $result := snakecase "ThisisaTeStString" ]]
$result = "thisisa_te_st_string12345_+(=?!$"
[[ $result := snakecase "GO-PATH" ]]
$result = "go_path"
[[ $result := snakecase "GO PATH" ]]
$result = "go_path"
[[ $result := snakecase "go-path" ]]
$result = "go_path"
[[ $result := snakecase "GO-PATH" ]]
$result = "go_path"
[[ $result := snakecase "GOPATH" ]]
$result = "gopath"
func(list interface{}) []string
The sortAlpha
function sorts a list of strings into alphabetical (lexicographical) order.
[[ $result := sortAlpha (split "öäü,<,.,A,a,!,$,1" ",") ]]
$result = [ "!","$",".","1","<","A","a","öäü" ]
with array
[[ $result := sortAlpha (list "öäü" "<" "." "A" "a" "!" "$" "1") ]]
$result = [ "!","$",".","1","<","A","a","öäü" ]
[[ $result := sortAlpha (list "116" "100" "200" "99" "10") ]]
[[ $result = [ "10","100","116","200",99" ]
[[ $result := sortAlpha (list "116" "100" "200" "099" "010") ]]
[[ $result = [ "010","099","100","116","200" ]
see function splitList
func(orig string, sep string) []string
The splitList
function splits the source string based on separator and produces a array.
[[ $result := splitList "This is a #test string" "#" ]]
$result = "["This is a ","test string"]"
[[ $result := splitList "This#is a test #string" "#" ]]
$result = "
"is a test ",
[[ $result := splitList "This#is a test string" "test" ]]
$result = "["This is a "," string"]"
func(orig string, sep string) map[string]string
The splitToMap
function splits the source string based on separator and produces a map with index keys.
[[ $result := splitToMap "This is a test string" "test" ]]
$result = "{"_0":"This is a ","_1":" string"}"
[[ $result := splitToMap "This is a test string" "i" ]]
$result = "{"_0":"Th","_1":"s ","_2":"s a test str","_3":"ng"}"
func(orig string, sep string, c int) map[string]string
The splitnToMap
function splits the source/orig string based on separator (sep) and the max split count ©, which produces a map with index keys.
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $result := splitnToMap "This is a test string" "test" 2]]
$result = "{"_0":"This a ","_1":" string"}"
[[ $result := splitnToMap "This is a test string" "t" 2]]
$result = "{"_0":"This is a ","_1":"est string"}"
[[ $result := splitnToMap "DEBUG - 2021-11-08T11:48:16+01:00 - Sending heartbeat via discovery" " - " 3 ]]
$result = "{"_0":"DEBUG ","_1":"2021-11-08T11:48:16+01:00","_2":"Sending heartbeat via discovery"}"
func(i interface) string
The squote
function inserts simple quotes ‘ between strings.
[[ $result := squote "This is a test string" "This is a test string2" ]]
$result = "'This is a test string' 'This is a test string2'"
see function trimPrefix
see function trimSufix
func(s string, start, end int) string
The substr
function cuts the string starting with start value end stop with the end value. Count starts for start end end value from the left side.
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $result := substr "This is a test string" 1 11 ]]
$result = "his is a t"
[[ $result := substr "This is a test string" 0 11 ]]
$result = "This is a t"
[[ $result := substr "This is a test string" -1 11 ]]
$result = "This is a t"
[[ $result := substr "This is a test string" 10 30 ]]
$result = "test string"
[[ $result := substr "This is a test string" 21 30 ]]
$result = ""
func(str string) string
The swapcase
function changes lower to upper and upper to lower case characters.
[[ $result := swapcase "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "tHIS IS A TEST STRING"
[[ $result := swapcase "This is a test string 1 2 3 4 $ # xX" ]]
$result = "tHIS IS A TEST STRING 1 2 3 4 $ # Xx"
[[ $result := swapcase "This is a tESt String" ]]
$result = "tHIS IS A TesT sTRING"
func(s string) string
The title
function converts the first letter of the word to upper case
[[ $result := title "this is a test string" ]]
$result = "This Is A Test String"
[[ $result := title "12345 -/^`()[] aAbBcC" ]]
$result = "12345 -/^`()[] AAbBcC"
[[ $result := title "this is a TEst STring öäü ÖÄÜ" ]]
$result = "This Is A TEst STring Öäü ÖÄÜ"
The toLower
function converts upper case characters to lower case.
[[ $result := toLower "This is a TEST String" ]]
$result = "this is a teststring"
[[ $result := toLower "12345öüätuotqrfASDFASFFADSF" ]]
[[ $result := toLower "12345 -/^`()[] aAbBcC" ]]
$result = "12345 -/^`()[] aabbcc"
func(v interface{}) string
The toString
function tries to convert everything to a string.
Object as string
[[ $data := newData ]]
[[ $data = addValue $data "object" "This is a testString" ]]
[[ $data = addValue $data "object" "This is a TEST2 string" ]]
[[ $result := toString $data ]]
$result = "map[object:[This is a testString This is a TEST2 string]]"
Integer to string
[[ $result := toString 116 ]]
$result = "116"
[[ $result := toString "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
[[ $result := toString (split "This,is,a,test,string" ",") ]]
$result = "[This is a test string]"
func(v interface{}) []string
The toStrings
function converts everything to a string array.
Object as string
[[ $data := newData ]]
[[ $data = addValue $data "object" "This is a testString" ]]
[[ $data = addValue $data "object" "aAbBcCdD" ]]
[[ $result := toStrings $data ]]
$result = [ "map[object:[This is a testString aAbBcCdD]]" ]
Integer to string
[[ $result := toStrings 116 ]]
$result = [ "116" ]
[[ $result := toStrings "This is a test string" ]]
$result = [ "This is a test string" ]
[[ $result := toStrings (split "This,is,a,test,string" ",") ]]
$result =
func(s string) string
The toUpper
function converts lower case characters to upper case.
[[ $result := toUpper "This is a teststring" ]]
[[ $result := toUpper "aAbBcCdD äàÄöéÖüèÜ" ]]
[[ $result := toUpper "12345 -/^`()[] aAbBcC" ]]
$result = "12345 -/^`()[] AABBCC"
func(s string) string
The trim
function cuts spaces from left and right side of the string. If the string contains spaces inside the string itself, it doesn’t cut the spaces. See second example below.
start and end: no spaces
[[ $result := trim "This is a test string" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
left and right spaces
[[ $result := trim " This is a test string " ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
left spaces
[[ $result := trim " This is a test string" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
right spaces
[[ $result := trim "This is a test string " ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
func(s string, cutset string) string
The trimAll
function cuts the string from left and right, if any combination of cutset-characters matches.
[[ $result := trimAll "aabHabb" "ab" ]]
$result = "H"
[[ $result := trimAll "aabHabb" "abc" ]]
$result = "H"
[[ $result := trimAll "aabHabb" "bc" ]]
$result = "aabHa"
[[ $result := trimAll " This is a test string" "ringTh " ]]
$result = "s is a test st"
func(s string, prefix string) string
The trimPrefix
function eliminates the the characters from the beginning of the string. If string doesn’t match, it returns the original string.
[[ $result := trimPrefix "This is a test string" "This " ]]
$result = "is a test string"
[[ $result := trimPrefix "This is a test string" "test" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
func(s string, suffix string) string
The trimSuffix
function eliminates the suffix from the end of the string. If string doesn’t match, it returns the original string.
[[ $result := trimSuffix "This is a test string" " string" ]]
$result = "This is a test"
no match at the end, so you receive the original string
[[ $result := trimSuffix "This is a test string" "test" ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
func(s string, c int) string
The trunc
function cuts from left to right depending on the integer value.
[[ $result := trunc "This is a test string" 1 ]]
$result = "T"
[[ $result := trunc "This is a test string" 11 ]]
$result = "This is a t"
[[ $result := trunc "This is a test string with 12345 öÖéäÄàüÜè" 100 ]]
$result = "This is a test string with 12345 öÖéäÄàüÜè"
func(s string) string
The untitle
function converts the first letter of the word to lower case
[[ $result := untitle "This Is A Test String" ]]
$result = "this is a test string"
[[ $result := untitle "12345 -/^`()[] AaBbCc" ]]
$result = "12345 -/^`()[] aaBbCc"
[[ $result := untitle "this is a TEst STring öäü ÖÄÜ" ]]
$result = "this is a tEst sTring öäü öÄÜ"
check function: toUpper
func(str string, wrapLength int) string
The wrap
function replaces the space with a line breaks before the wrapLength has reached.
If the text is much longer than the wrapLenght, the function will insert multiple line breaks/new lines.
Application notes / Limits:
[[ $result := wrap "This is a test string" 10 ]]
^ ^
| v---|
$result = "This is a\ntest\nstring"
[[ $result := wrap "This is a test string" 7 ]]
$result = "This is\na test\nstring"
[[ $result := wrap "This is a test string" 100 ]]
$result = "This is a test string"
func(str string, len int, sep string) string
The wrapWith
function replaces space with the indiviual separator before the wrapLength has reached. It also splits long words. |
[[ $result := wrapWith "This is a test string" 10 "+#+" ]]
$result = "This is a+#+test+#+string"
[[ $result := wrapWith "This is a test string superBlubberLongDummyText" 10 "+#" ]]
$result = "This is a+#test+#string+#superBlubb+#erLongDumm+#yText"
[[ $result := wrapWith "This is a test string" 100 ]]
$result = "This is a test string"